Digital Design Academy Photography Competition | İletişim Fakültesi | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


Digital Design Academy Photography Competition

Digital Design Academy Photography Competition


Hasan Kalyoncu University Faculty of Communication students will organise a “Nature-themed” photography contest by the “Digital Design Academy” carried out within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2209-A Project.


This competition aims to explore the relationship between nature and human beings through impressive photographs reflecting the beauty and diversity of nature by students participating in the Digital Design Academy.

The exhibition catalogue will contribute to the portfolios of the young people and will help them to be recognized in the field. In addition, students will develop a culture of teamwork by interacting with their friends from their own universities and different universities.


The participant, by filling in the participation form, declares that he/she has the financial rights of processing, reproduction, dissemination, representation and transmission to the public by means of means for the transmission of sign, sound and/or image as defined in the provisions of Articles 21 – 25 of the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works and that in case the work he/she participates in the competition wins an award, the financial rights of processing, reproduction, dissemination, representation and transmission to the public by means of means for the transmission of sign, sound and/or image as defined in the provisions of Articles 21 – 25 of the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works will be cancelled. – 25 of the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works, including the financial rights of processing, reproduction, dissemination, representation and transmission to the public by means of means of signal, sound and / or image transmission, and their transfer rights to third parties. He/she declares and accepts in advance that he/she transfers his/her financial rights to Hasan Kalyoncu University without any limitation of place, time and number, including the rights of transfer to third parties, and that he/she consents Hasan Kalyoncu University to use the works in any way he/she wishes, including but not limited to exhibiting the works in question, keeping them in his/her archive, publishing them in printed form or on the internet and in other ways.

The information contained in this application form; Within the scope of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, Hasan Kalyoncu University will be processed and stored through the competition application form for the purposes of carrying out organisation and event management, talent development, communication and participation activities within the scope of the performance of the contract within the framework of the competition. If the application is unsuccessful, the information of the applicant will be kept by Hasan Kalyoncu University for the period stipulated by the laws and legislation in force.

Hasan Kalyoncu University to the clarification text, which also includes your rights under Article 11 of the Law “regulating the rights of the person concerned” (https:// You can reach from the links on the internet sites.



-It is open to associate, undergraduate and graduate students studying in TRC-1 Region (Gaziantep, Kilis and Adıyaman).


  1. The competition is open to university students studying in TRC-1 Region (Gaziantep, Kilis and Adıyaman).
  2. The subject of the work you participate in the competition must be “Nature”.
  3. Application to the competition is free of charge.
  4. Works that have previously applied to another competition and / or won an award can also participate in the competition.
  5. A student certificate and a photograph in which the participant’s face is fully visible must be sent with the works sent to the competition.
  6. Applications are in JPEG format, must be mailed as a document to the address.
  7. Contestants can participate with a maximum of 2 works. Separate imprint must be shown for each work.
  8. The works submitted to the competition will be kept in Hasan Kalyoncu University archive. Hasan Kalyoncu University will be able to use the images in the Digital Design Academy Photography Competition in public printed and online media by citing the source.
  9. The deadline for participation in the competition is the date determined by Hasan Kalyoncu University. Applications received after the specified date will not be evaluated. (Last application: 15 March 2024)
  10. The works will be evaluated by the jury assigned by Hasan Kalyoncu University and the finalists will be determined.
  11. The works included in the competition programme will be announced by Hasan Kalyoncu University.
  12. The competition jury reserves the right to award more than one work and to award extra prizes such as honourable mentions.
  13. The right to conduct the competition belongs to Hasan Kalyoncu University. Hasan Kalyoncu University has the right to make a final decision on any problems that may arise during the competition.
  14. Copyright problems that may arise from third parties during the screening of the works are under the responsibility of the applicant. Hasan Kalyoncu University cannot be held responsible for problems arising from copyrights and similar problems.
  15. When participating in the competition, a small text explaining / introducing the work should be sent together with the works.
  16. The submitted works must be in colour.
  17. The work can be lightly touched at a basic level such as toning, colour, dusting, sharpening, etc.
  18. Works must be submitted in at least 720pHD (1280×720) resolution.
  19. The file size of the work you participate in the competition should be maximum 10 MB.
  20. Selected works will be shown at the Digital Design Academy.
  21. Hasan Kalyoncu University reserves the right to make any changes in the conditions of participation. A certificate of participation will be given to those who enter the exhibition in the competition.
  22. The participation conditions of the Digital Design Academy Photography Competition consist of twenty-two (22) articles. Each applicant accepts these conditions.


Deadline: 04 April 2024Jury Evaluation: 05 April 2024

Announcement of Results: 16 April 2024

Exhibition Date: 16 April 2024


The works participating in the competition can be used by Hasan Kalyoncu University for promotional purposes such as books, magazines, brochures, internet, advertisements, etc. provided that the artist’s name is written.

Tel: 0342 211 80 80 – 1760 – 1707 e-mail: