Dean's Message | İletişim Fakültesi | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


Dean’s Message

The Faculty of Communication at Hasan Kalyoncu University has been aware since its establishment that the current era is an age of information and content production. It continues its journey with an understanding that leads the way in change and also guides the fields of design and art, especially communication.

Our Faculty, with an “individualized” education model, where students receive education according to their areas of interest, and which prioritizes interdisciplinary and teamwork, has become nationally and internationally recognized in a wide range of communication fields, from traditional to digital.

In the Departments of Visual Communication Design, Radio, Television and Cinema, and Digital Game Design, our Faculty, which values university-industry interaction and aims to train its students according to the competencies of the 21st century, conveys design, art, and culture by blending a curriculum with a focus on practice and project-based courses, targeting a future-oriented, holistic perspective in a field like communication, where theoretical knowledge alone is not sufficient.

At our Faculty, it is extremely important that our students can think critically and creatively, gain global awareness, carry out flexible and harmonious teamwork, and participate in and gain experience in initiatives that contribute to civil society organizations, the region, and our country.

The fundamental principle of the Faculty of Communication at HKU is to enable a communicator to produce accurate, timely, and effective messages in both traditional and new media. Another principle is to ensure that our students develop as individuals who can follow current trends, conduct studies related to design at national and international levels, and think and produce creatively in the fields of design and communication, aware of the transformative and healing power of art.

The Faculty of Communication at HKU attaches importance to contributing to the development of our students, not only during the teaching phase but also in the research areas, by combining the academic and professional worlds of communication through media analyses, projects, field studies, and workshops, and by training them in governance, branding, image, and leadership. The awards and achievements of our students under the guidance of the academic staff of our Faculty are the best indicators of this situation in the competitive environment.

Therefore, as the Faculty of Communication at Hasan Kalyoncu University, we are opening our doors to those who want to be “the best” in fields such as visual communication, web design, graphic design, animation, photography, radio programming, cinema, game design, character design, advertising, branding, social media, and television. We offer an ideal environment for those who want to “have a say in the field of communication” through events realized with national and international collaborations.

As the Faculty of Communication at Hasan Kalyoncu University, we are waiting for those who want to “start their profession one step ahead” in the field of communication.


Prof. Dr. G. Rengin KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN
Dean, Faculty of Communication