Our student Nihat Vuran attracts attention with his outstanding success | İletişim Fakültesi | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


Our student Nihat Vuran attracts attention with his outstanding success

Our student Nihat Vuran attracts attention with his outstanding success

Nihat Vuran, who is the valedictorian of the Radio, Television and Cinema Department of our faculty for the 2022-2023 Academic Year, has been appreciated by his fellow students and teaching staff with his outstanding performance and achievements throughout the education process.

Nihat Vuran served as the president of the Cinema and TV Society and made significant contributions to the cultural life and memory of our faculty by actively participating in many events. Nihat Vuran was also a member of Prof. Dr. Bülent Bahri Küçükerdoğan, Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Bülent Bahri Küçükerdoğan, Lecturer. Mehmet Fatih Eminoğlu and Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Bülent Bahat Küçükerdoğan, Lecturer Mehmet Fatih Eminoğlu and Lecturer Dr. Deniz Telek, Nihat Vuran’s film Salto Mortale, which emerged as a result of a strong teamwork, received awards, was a finalist and was included in the screening selection in many national and international film festivals. These awards are an indication of the effort and success he has shown.


  1. Siirt Short Film Festival, Short Film Competition, İbrahim Hakkı Special Award. 2022
  2. Adana Golden Boll Film Festival, National Short Film Competition, Fiction Branch, Özer Kızıltan Special Jury Award. 2022

Finalists in Festivals and Competitions

  1. Erzincan International Short Film Festival, Fiction Film Competition, Finalist. 2022
  2. Kayseri Film Festival, National Short Film Competition, Finalist. 2022
  3. Friendship Short Film Festival, Short Feature Film Competition, Finalist. 2022
  4. Rotary Short Film Festival, Fiction Branch, Finalist. 2023
  5. Sinekültür Interuniversity Short Film Competition, Fiction Branch, Finalist. 2023

Screening Selection

6. Alpavirama Uluslararası Gençlik Filmleri Festivali, Uluslararası Kısa Kurmaca, Resmi Seçki. 2022

  1. AFSAD Short Film Festival, Screening Selection. 2022
  2. Antep Short Film Festival, Screening Selection. 2022
  3. Bornova Short Film Days, Screening Selection. 2022
  4. Ayancık Film Festival, Fiction Film Section, Screening Selection. 2023

23rd Izmir Short Film Festival, Panorama Section, Screening Selection. 2022

Nihat Vuran has been an inspiring example for the students of our faculty with his outstanding efforts. His achievements will be a source of motivation for our students to achieve the same goals. We congratulate him and wish him success in his future career.